Patio Cleaning in Plano, TX

Patio Cleaning in Plano, TX

We volunteered to do a patio cleaning at a fire station in Plano, TX. This is where the crew cooked their meals on the smoker or the Grill. The patio had trees that overhung the patio. This led to a buildup of mold and algae as well as grease. The crew used their own pressure washer to clean the area but it would build back up within a few weeks. This station was about 50 years old and had very old concrete. This was going to be a tough task but Firehouse Pressure Cleaning had it under control.

We started out by tackling the mold and algae buildup with a pretreatment of the patio. We then used our powerful surface cleaner to knock off the years worth of dirt and buildup. We gave it a good rinse and it was now time to address the grease. We applied a degreaser to the area and let it do its work. We then went over the area again with the surface cleaner. After the final rinse, we applied a post treatment to help hold off the organic buildup from the trees. 50 year old concrete will never look brand new but Firehouse Pressure Cleaning made a huge impact.

Location: Plano, TX

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